Thursday, August 21, 2008

NieNie Fund

I hope you don't mind that I post this but I came across a blog of one of our readers with a link to this tragic story & my heart was touched by the amazing people that have come together to help out this family....
"You may have heard of the terrible events surrounding the charming blogger, NieNie, and her family. If not, check her sister's blog at not, check her sister's blog at .To learn more about NieNie herself, her blog is
"NieNie, her husband, and another person were in a horrible plane crash on Saturday. Stephanie Nielson and her husband Christian are in a burn center in critical conditions. The other passenger passed away. Their medical bills are expected to be in the millions."

If you would like to help Nei Nei and her family, please check out this Etsy seller who, though she doesn't even know Nei Nei but is so willingly donating all the money from the items sold in her shop to help this family with their medical bills. For $25 you buy one if these sweet bracelets and please know that you helped make a difference today:)

There are other ways to contribute to this family, through the accounts they have set up. Please visit the family websites to a link to donate to them directly.
Our prayers are with you NeiNei & Christian:)
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