We have a giveaway! Winner can choose a doodle caddy of their choice. Just follow the instructions below...

Enter to win by simply making a comment below telling us
#1 Your favorite doodle caddy at Blossom Toys
#2 Your favorite Simple Finds Sponsor in the sidebar to the left
(You don't need to have a Google account, you can just click anonymous)Get Extra Entries...*Please note that these are not a requirement*Just make separate comments for each extra entry bonus, to let us know.-Blog about our giveaway on your blog or email 3 friends and cc us at this EMAIL, we'll give you 1 extra entry!.. Just send us the link;)- Subscribe to Simple Finds (located in the sidebar on home page)and receive 2 extra entries. If you're already a subscriber, be sure to let us know:)Don't forget to leave your email address so we can notify the lucky winner! Please only leave one comment. Winner will be selected at random. Limited to availability. Contest ends 9/02/08

Amphibian Camo Doodle Caddy - Crayon and Notebook Roll-up Tote ....roomitup I like
Everyone have a great week!
I like the Wise Owl Doodle Caddy.
the wise owl one.
favorite caddy: retro rocket rascal
favorite sidebar sponsor: Etsy
I like the wise owl doodle caddy
retro rocket rascal
i love the CAMO doodle caddy! my son will be too cool for school with a camo caddy! & in the sidebar i love the POLKA DOT SQUARE! cute cute cute stuff!
Baby Cakes is my favorite Simple Find sponsor. I'd like the Lei Breeze Doodle Caddy.
I like the paisley caddy although they are all adorable. my fav on the sidebar is etsy!
wow how cute this would be grate to have thanks
I love the Lei Breeze and I love tip junkie! And I am a subscriber!!
Love the Retro Rocket!
My favorite is the Lei Breeze Doodle Caddy.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
I like the number fun doodle caddy. My favoite side bar sponsor is Etsy. My email is hrogersslp@yahoo.com
I am a subscriber. And I forgot to answer #2...hugs and giggles.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
Retro Rocket is my pick.
My favorite is the Wise Owl Doodle Caddy! For the second question I like the room it up store.
I like retro rocket rascal! Baby cakes is the cutest sidebar button. www.kccpets.com click contact
I like the lei breeze doodle caddy.
I like the number fun doodle caddy; actually they are all so cute that I can see buying the different ones for different people.
From your side bar: Etsy and Cool Mom Picks would be among my favs
I would choose the Wise Owl Doodle Caddy, and I like the products available on the Roomitup site ;)
I like the retro rocket rascal
and cool moms picks
I love the Yui Kokeshi Japanese Doll Doodle Caddy. What a great way to keep our crayons all together while traveling. I really like Simple Me Boutique. They have some great things there.
I think my favorite is the Amphibian Camo Doodle Caddy, but it's a toss up between that one and the Wise Owl.
My favorite is the Wise Owl Doodle Caddy. Such a cute design. I really like the Baby Cakes website. They have the cutest items for showers and to decorate the babies room. Thanks for the great giveaway! ecghick@yahoo.com
The "Lei Breeze" Doodle Caddy is my favorite design! I like the sponsor called "Polka Dot Square!" Adorable clothing. Please enter me in your delightful drawing. Many thanks, Cindi
I am a subscriber of yours. Cindi
I like the Wise Owl pattern best!
Cute idea! I like the Number Fun Doodle Caddy print for my granddaughter.
1. number fun
2. baby cakes
I love the fun number one, I'd have to stash this for Christmas for my daughter if I won!
num1twinkie at yahoo dot com
lei breeze caddy
The Lei Breeze Doodle Caddy. My favorite sponser is Simple Me Boutique.
Oh man, you find the cutest stuff! I love the Lime Star Paisley one for my girl, and the Groovy Guitars for my boy. : )
Lei Breeze is very cute!
I think Baby Cakes is a really neat company. It is such a novel idea!
We like the Number Fun doodle caddy!
I am a subscriber
I blogged about this giveaway
I like the Wise Owl caddy and the MOD MUMS sponsor
Amphibian Camo Doodle Caddy - Crayon and Notebook Roll-up Tote is super cute! I'd lovvve to win this for my son!!!!
The Rocket print caddy and The Room it Up Site
Number Fun Doodle Caddy - Crayon and Notebook Roll-up Tote is bright and cheery. Thanks
i like the lei breeze.
GreyC glass is my favorite sponsor
Lime Star Paisley D is my favorite doodle caddy
The wise owl doodle caddy is great.
Favorite caddy is the Lime Star Paisley Doodle Caddy!!
LOVE these!! and love the price even better!! My favorite is the LEI breeze flower pattern. Favorite side bar is I'm a tip junkie!!
Lei Breeze Doodle Caddy - Crayon and Notebook Roll-up Tote
I picked the Amphibian Camo Doodle Caddy
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
Awesome. I love the Number Fun Doodle Caddy. As far as the sponsors, my fav is the one with the crochet/knit hats. Can't remember the name. They are sweet!
I like the "number fun" . . . what a neat invention!
My favorite doodle caddy is the Amphibian Camo one- my son will like it currently and it won't be something he'll grow out of super quick, like a character one would (rockets). My favorite sponsor would be A03 Designs :)
I love the Wise Owl Doodle Caddy!
I am a subscriber too.
I think the Wise Owl doodle caddy design is very, very cute! That's my pick. And I love Etsy!
Number Fun Doodle Caddy - Crayon and Notebook Roll-up Tote is my favorite caddy
Baby Cakes is my favorite sponsor.
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I am subscribed to your feed.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I love Baby Cakes!
And my favorite caddy is the Retro Rocket Rascals. I wish I had had one as a kid.
I like the Wise Owl Doodle Caddy.
I love the Amphibian Camo Doodle Caddy - Crayon and Notebook Roll-up Tote :)
I love the lime star paisley doodle caddy. This is perfect for my little girly girl!
My fave sidebar is Tip Junkie! I visit all the time!
ladeebug224 at hotmail dot com
I love the wise owl doodle caddy. The animal rattles are cute too!
1. Yui Kokeshi
2. Mod Mum
I like the Retro Rocket Rascals Doodle Caddy. The Wise Owl is cute, too.
Amphibian Camo Doodle Caddy - Crayon and Notebook Roll-up Tote
Lei Breeze.
Portland Beanie Company.
I like the Groovy Guitars one the best. Fave sidebar sponsor is Etsy!
they are so cute! the wise owl doodle caddy looks great!
I would choose the Amphibian Camo Doodle Caddy & I really like ao3designs's Shop.
wise owl is my pick and LOVE etsy
I'll say the Lime Star Paisley Doodle Caddy!!
The Wise Owl is my favorite. Toooo cute!! My favorite Sidebar link was the Lap Desk. They're so stylish and really useful.
Very nice site, my fave is the Lime Paisley doodle caddy. Thanks for the giveaway.
Lime Star Paisley Doodle Caddy is very pretty.
Room It Up rocks...
Thanks and good luck all.
I emailed 3 friends and subscribed. I look forward to further exploring this site.
i love the Lei Breeze Doodle Caddy - Crayon and Notebook Roll-up Tote and i like baby cakes :)
like the wise owl doodle caddy
I like the Lime Star Paisley. I think this is such a great idea!!!
My favorite is the number fun doodle caddy.
Thank you for having this! With 3 young children this is so fantastic! I really like the Amphibian Camo Doodle Caddy. Perfect! Thank you!
I like the Yui Kokeshi Japanese Doll Doodle Caddy. And I love Pomegranate Ink
My favorite is the Retro Rocket Rascals Doodle Caddy!
Lime Star Paisley Doodle Caddy is my favorite.
Favorite site...Room.it.up
I heart the Retro Rocket!
I like the retro rocket rascal, and polka dot square is my fave sponsor.
I love the Retro Rocket Rascals Doodle Caddy. My favorite sponsor is Etsy, for sure!
Amphibian Camo; Pomegranate Ink
I like Retro Rocket and Etsy! thanks, justicecw@hotmail.com
The Lime Star Paisley is my favvorite Caddy. My favorite sponsor is Pomegranate Ink-Art & Design. garrettsambo@aol.com
My favorite doodle caddy is Lime Star Paisley Doodle Caddy - Crayon and Notebook Roll-up Tote very nice design!
I love the retro rocket rascal. How cute are all the items on thesite! Thanks for the chance to win such a cute gift!
retro rocket rascal
I am a subscriber
Wise Owl Doodle Caddy
The guitar doodle caddy would delight my toddler who actually puts his toys away and hangs up his own clothes.
Amphibian Camo Doodle Caddy.
The Lime Star Paisley Doodle Caddy is my favorite from the ones that are left. My favoite side bar sponsor is Etsy. Thank you for the opportunity to win!
I love the Wise Owl Doodle Caddy! I love the Simple Me boutique.
I subscribed to your feed.
Retro Rocket Rascal...
Wise Owl
1. It's a "Wise Owl" for me!
2. Portland Beanie
1- Amphibian Camo would be wonderful for my son!
2- Etsy! Love it!
hebert024 at aol dot com
Retro Rockets rocks!
I heart simple me.
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