Wednesday, September 16, 2009

On your mark, get set, GO!

I'm not a runner, at least I wasn't until this summer & I ran my first 5K! I know it's not a marathon but it was good enough for me. I only wish I had my Cell Voltra shoes at the time. With PUMA's new 10CELL technology, you can push yourself the distance & not worry about your feet aching 5 minutes into your run. It's amazing how light and bendable these shoes are, now if only they could get me out of bed & move my legs for me! My next 5K is in a couple of weeks & I'm looking forward to showing off my new kicks and their 2 cushioning zones!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those shoes look sweeet!!!! Can't wait to see them in pavement action....hahaha! jUles

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